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6th November 2024

EMIR REFIT Forum 2024

The only event solely dedicated to EMIR Refit; benchmark your implementation against your peers.

Hear from the regulators alongside those at the heart of implementation in their organisations, as well as expert advisors.

Where we are with EMIR Refit post go live

Hear from supervisory bodies and industry participants on:

  • Managing the aftermath of different go-live dates

  • Building systems for both regimes

  • What are the key lessons learnt

Hear from the FCA

Tune in for the FCA's keynote address where they'll cover:

  • Highlighting what the FCA want to see for the UK market after the transition period ends on 31 March 2025

  • What to expect during the 6-month grace period

Join Jonathan Hamer, Manager, Secondary Market Oversight FCA.

Join 20+ expert speakers

Learn from and connect with our fantastic speakers - industry advisors, markets authorities and some of the biggest financial institutions will be present, including:

  • Standard Chartered Bank

  • BMO

  • Deutsche Bank

  • Barclays

Regulatory divergence

In an expert panel dedicated to regulatory divergence, explore:

  • How this divergence will influence data management

  • Whether greater efficiencies have been brought into play for either jurisdiction

  • Understanding the actions that are needed by organisations as a result of the divergence.

Exploring the latest with the UPI and CFI

Hear directly from those leading wider regulatory change projects:

  • Identifying how the CFI underpins UPIs and ISINs

  • Exploring the rate at which CFI is being adopted and implemented

  • Looking at how the CFI will impact already assigned financial instruments

Network with your peers

Connect with the regulators, supervisors, heads of Regulatory/Transaction Reporting and expert industry advisors.

Expand your network and build best practice approaches to challenges across EMIR Refit implementation.

Meet with reporting leads from major banks and funds, alongside regulators, policy makers and industry advisors.

Learn more about the event here -