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13th January 2023

Control Now Communication with ESMA

Control Now regularly review the reporting requirements and request clarification from ESMA when the rules are ambiguous or confusing for market participants.

Question IDDate submittedResponse receivedTopic
ESMA_QA_65812/01/2023Reporting 'Quantity' and 'Price Multiplier' for swap contracts
ESMA_QA_65412/01/2023Clarification on ESMA_QA_343
ESMA_QA_34302/09/202113/01/2022Reportability determination of instruments listed only on SIs
ESMA_QA_23530/04/202130/07/2021Short Selling Indicator
ESMA_QA_19607/04/202113/01/2022Reportability of Swiss equities
ESMA_QA_15511/03/202103/08/2021Transmission of Order Indicator
ESMA_QA_14502/03/202106/07/2021Post-Brexit - National IDs for GB nationals
n/a19/06/201928/09/2020National Client Identifier for Swedish nationals

This article is not marketing material and should not be seen as an inducement or invitation to engage in a commercial capacity with Control Now Ltd. Whilst Control Now Ltd has exercised its best efforts, it cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information contained herein or eliminate the possibility of anomalies having regard to external limitations.  Control Now Ltd therefore reserves its right to re-publish the information  should this be necessary. Due to these limitations, and to the extent permitted by law, Control Now Ltd accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information. Recipients of this information should accordingly, insofar as practicable, undertake independent enquiries and evaluations to their satisfaction.