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10th September 2020

ESMA: EMIR Validations Update - 26/10/2020

ESMA has today published the following changes to the EMIR validations.

Please find below a log of all changes which will be live from 08/03/2021.

efFieldColumnValue BeforeValue After
1Reporting timestamp-Conditions -Format and content-Common input format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:MM:SSZ The reporting timestamp should be equal or earlier than the timestamp of the receipt of the report by the TR. The date part of the timestamp cannot be earlier than the day preceding the date of the receipt of the report by the TR. The receipt of the report should be understood as the moment the report enters a TR’s system-Common input format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:MM:SSZ The reporting timestamp should be equal or earlier than the timestamp of the receipt of the report by the TR. The date part of the timestamp cannot be earlier than the day preceding the date of the receipt of the report by the TR. The reporting timestamp should be equal or later than the execution timestamp reported in the field 2.25.   The reporting timestamp should be equal or later than 2014-02-12.  The receipt of the report should be understood as the moment the report enters a TR’s system
2Valuation timestamp-Conditions -Format and contentIf field 1.17 is populated, this field shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Otherwise, the field shall be left blank.If field 1.17 is populated, this field shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ The valuation timestaamp should be equal or later than 2014-02-12.  Otherwise, the field shall be left blank.
3Initial margin postedTrade level: V (Mandatory status) and Position level: V (Mandatory status)OC
4Initial margin posted-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated: Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.If field 1.21 is populated with  "OC" or "FC", this field shall be populated.  If field 1.21 is populated with  "U" or "PC", this field shall be left blank. Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.
5Variation margin postedTrade level: V (Mandatory status) and Position level: V (Mandatory status)OC
6Variation margin posted-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated: Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.If field 1.21 is populated with "PC", "OC" or "FC", one of the fields 1.26 or 1.30 shall be populated (with a positive value or zero) while the other field shall be left blank or populated with zero.  If field 1.21 is populated with "U", this field shall be left blank.   Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.
7Initial margin receivedTrade level: V (Mandatory status) and Position level: V (Mandatory status)OC
8Initial margin received-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated: Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.If field 1.21 is populated with  "FC", this field shall be populated.  If field 1.21 is populated with  "OC", this field shall be left blank.  Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.
9Variation margin receivedTrade level: V (Mandatory status) and Position level: V (Mandatory status)OC
10Variation margin received-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated: Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.If field 1.21 is populated with "PC", "OC" or "FC", one of the fields 1.26 or 1.30 shall be populated (with a positive value or zero) while the other field shall be left blank or populated with zero.  If field 1.21 is populated with "U", this field shall be left blank.   Up to 20 numerical characters including up to 19 decimals. The decimal mark is not counted as a numerical character.  If populated, it shall be represented with a  dot. Negative values are not allowed.
11Maturity date-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated, shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to  the value of the field 2.26.When populated, shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to  the value of the field 2.26. The maturity date should be equal or later than 2014-02-12.
12Termination date-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated, shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to the value of the date part of the field 2.25. If fields 2.28 and 2.27 are both populated, the value of this field shall be less than  or equal to the value of the field 2.27.When populated, shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to the value of the date part of the field 2.25. If fields 2.28 and 2.27 are both populated, the value of this field shall be less than  or equal to the value of the field 2.27. The termination date should be equal or later than 2014-02-12
13Settlement date-Conditions -Format and contentWhen populated shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to the value of the date part of the field 2.25. This field is repeatable.When populated shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The value of this field shall be greater than or equal to the value of the date part of the field 2.25. The settlement date should be equal or later than 2014-02-12.  This field is repeatable
14Clearing Obligation-Conditions -Format and contentIf field 2.15 is not populated with a MIC code of  a regulated market of a third-country market considered as equivalent to a regulated market , this field shall be populated and shall contain one of the following values "Y" or "N". 'X' is accepted when the actual value is not available. 1 alphabetical characters.If field 2.15 is not populated with a MIC code of a trading venue that was  a regulated market  or   a third-country market considered as equivalent to a regulated market  at the time of the conclusion of the derivative,  this field shall be populated and shall contain one of the following values "Y" or "N". 'X' is accepted when the actual value is not available. 1 alphabetical characters.
15Intragroup-Conditions -Format and contentIf field 2.15 is not populated with a MIC code of a regulated market of a third-country market considered as equivalent to a regulated market , this field shall be populated and shall contain only one of the following values: "Y" or "N". 1 alphabetic character.If field 2.15 is not populated with a MIC code of a trading venue that was  a regulated market  or  a third-country market considered as equivalent to a regulated market  at the time of the conclusion of the derivative,  this field shall be populated and shall contain only one of the following values: "Y" or "N". 1 alphabetic character.
16Interconnection Point-Conditions -Format and contentIf field 2.66 is populated with "NG" or "EL" , this field  shall be populated and shall contain -an EIC code as specified in the EIC Area Codes (Z)  code list and pertaining to a interconnection point within the European Union, or - 16 alphanumerical characters XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if the interconnection point is not within the European Union.. Otherwise the field shall be left blank.If field 2.66 is populated with "NG" or "EL" , this field  shall be populated and shall contain -an EIC code as specified in the EIC Area Codes (Z) or (Y)  code list and pertaining to a interconnection point within the European Union, or - 16 alphanumerical characters XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if the interconnection point is not within the European Union.. Otherwise the field shall be left blank.
17Maturity date of the underlying-Conditions -Format and contentIf field 2.1 (Contract type) is populated with  "ST" this field shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD.If field 2.1 (Contract type) is populated with  "ST" this field shall be populated in a common input format: YYYY-MM-DD. The maturity date of the underlying should be equal or later than 2014-02-12.

Control Now Ltd, founded in 2017, is a provider of Transaction Reporting Assurance software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd provide TR Accuracy (Data Quality Assurance) and TR Completeness (Reconciliations) services. Please get in touch for a Free Health Check –