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7th February 2024

ESMA Q&A Updates - 02/02/2024

On the 2nd February 2024, ESMA released updates to its Q&As.

We have identified the following updates relevant to firms transaction reporting;



Question number


Summary of change


MiFIR: Transaction Reporting


Update to national identifiers specified in Annex II of RTS 22

1. GB removed from table 2. Malta requirements updated


EMIR: ETD Reporting

EMIR Q&A TR Question 9

Reporting when broker is counterparty to trade

1. Broker should report derivative and identify itself as a counterparty 2. Thus, broker should not report its LEI in 'Broker ID' field


EMIR: ETD Reporting

EMIR Q&A ETD Reporting Question 2

Parties who report ETD contracts

These parties are: 1. CCP clearing the derivative contract 2. Clearing members of the CCP 3. MiFID investment firms involved in the trade chain 4. Other parties taking risk arising from the derivative transaction [P.A.] - please note what was modified in this update was an explanation on the importance of the risk which derives from a transaction and who bears it


EMIR: Reporting under STM/CTM model


Reporting portfolio of cleared derivatives

1. No separate field to differentiate models 2. 'STM' prefix should be used to indicate accurate collateral portfolio name


EMIR: Reporting of a Counterparty falling within scope of Article 1(4)(a-b)


Reporting 'Nature of Counterparty 2' field

1. A counterparty outside of Article 1(4)(a-b) is classed as 'Other Counterparty' 2. Thus, identified as 'Other' in 'Nature of Counterparty 2' field


EMIR: Portability of Schedules


Transfering notional schedules

1. TRs should follow the guidelines and port only the TSR which doesn't include the entire schedule 2. Counterparty should report the modification with the complete schedule to the new TR

Useful links


EMIR Q&A TR Question 9

EMIR Q&A ETD Reporting Question 2




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Control Now Ltd, is a provider of Transaction Reporting software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information or any other information published by Control Now Ltd. Recipients of this information must perform their own due diligence to confirm the information is accurate and relevant for their business scenario. Control Now Ltd reserves its right to re-publish the information.