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26th October 2020

ESMA Updates EMIR Validation Rules - 10/09/2020

On 10th September ESMA has released an update to EMIR Validation rules.

Updates were originally planned to be applicable from 01 February 2021, although this date was later moved to 8th of March 2021 due to Brexit related technical issues.


Reporting timestamp, Valuation timestamp, Maturity date, Termination date, Settlement date, Maturity date of the underlying

- have been specified to be equal or later than 2014-02-12.


Initial margin posted, Variation margin posted, Initial margin received, Variation margin

– population has been clarified for different values of ‘Collateralisation’ field.

Edit 29.03.2021 - rule partially retracted, please see news story.


Clearing obligation, Intragroup

- have been clarified to be tied to the MIC code classification at the time of conclusion of derivative (classification as RM or third country equivalent).