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13th March 2024

Revised MiFID II/MiFIR texts published in the EU Official Journal - the clock starts ticking for the MiFID reporting rules update

The European Council confirmed that the adoption by Parliament of the amended texts has commenced on 20th February, 2024, with the final act signed on 28th February, 2024.

On the 8th of March the texts have been published in the EU’s Official Journal and they will officially enter into force 20 days later, i.e. on 28th March.

The official documentation of the amended texts can be found here: Regulation (EU) 2024/790.

Once these revised MiFIR texts come into force, due to it being a regulation, it will apply immediately in all EU countries. Member states will have 18 months to draft and implement the administrative provisions to comply with these new changes, thus, we can expect a new version of MiFIR to be applicable from 28th September 2025.

We've covered the changes in more detail in this update: Amendments to L1 MiFIR.

Control Now can help you seamlessly manage such changes as amendments and modifications are automatically integrated into our software.

For more details, including a demo of our products, please contact:

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