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4th December 2023

TR Accuracy Product Release – 04/12/2023


TR Accuracy

  • EMIR – 1 definition amendment, 3 validation amendments;

  • MiFIR – 1 MI amendment;

  • Portal Action log – feature updates

Users are recommended to restart TRAC desktop tool after the release.

RefProductChangeAffected featureClient descriptionIssue key
1Accuracy: EMIRFix: Validation, DefinitionsE112: Venue of execution (2.15) OTC – no ISIN, Emir Definition: is_equivalent_marketThe logic for indentifying the ‘Equivalent markets’ for EMIR was updated to account for report types where execution timestamp is not mandatory (e.g. valuations)DEV-3359
2Accuracy: EMIRFix: ValidationE108 – Underlying (2.7) and Fixed/Floating rate (2.39/2.55) are not populated for Interest RateWe have amended the validation to not flag for government bonds, as per ESMA Q&A TR Question 1a.DEV-3358
3Accuracy: EMIRFix: ValidationE7 – Reporting Counterparty ID (1.2) with no reporting obligation based on HQ locationValidation logic was amended to avoid false flagging collateral update records where Corporate Sector field is not populated.DEV-3349
4Accuracy: MiFIRFix: MIMiFIR MI: Decision MakersWe have fixed an issue with overfiltering records where one of the fields (Investment decision within firm and Execution within firm) was populated with ALGO.DEV-3333
5Accuracy: PortalPortal ConfigurationAction LogNew columns were added to the aggregated view of the Action Log. Users can now track development updates thanks to Jira linking.DEV-3303
6Accuracy: PortalBugAction LogWe have fixed an issue with the auto refreshing functionality in the Action log page on the portal.DEV-3237

Please let us know if you have any questions:

Control Now can help you seamlessly manage such changes as amendments and modifications are automatically integrated into our software.

For more details, including a demo of our products, please contact:

Control Now Ltd, is a provider of Transaction Reporting software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information or any other information published by Control Now Ltd. Recipients of this information must perform their own due diligence to confirm the information is accurate and relevant for their business scenario. Control Now Ltd reserves its right to re-publish the information.