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5th September 2024

TR Accuracy Product Release – 12/09/2024

We have the following features due for release on 12th September at 0700 UK local time.


TR Accuracy

  • EMIR REFIT (ESMA & FCA): XML ingestion logic updates for Trade Activity and Trade State reports;

  • MiFIR: 2 validation amendments

Users are recommended to restart TRAC desktop tool after the release.

RefProductChangeAffected featureClient descriptionIssue key
1Accuracy: EMIR REFIT, EMIR REFIT UKIngestionDATTSR and DATMDS REFIT XML logicWe have updated the REFIT XML ingestion logic for DATTSR and DATMDS to include mappings for legacy fields and UK specific fields.DEV-3729
2Accuracy: EMIR REFIT, EMIR REFITUKIngestionDATTAR and DATMDA REFIT XML logicWe have updated the REFIT XML ingestion logic for DATTAR and DATMDA to include mappings for legacy fields and UK specific fields.DEV-3728
3Accuracy: MiFIRBugM218 - Price (33) higher than exchange high for underlying for the day,
M219 - Price (33) lower than exchange low for underlying for the day
We have resolved an issue with validations M218 and M219 to avoid false flagging for underlying instruments with valid currencies.DEV-3737

Control Now can help you seamlessly manage such changes as amendments and modifications are automatically integrated into our software.

For more details, including a demo of our products, please contact:

Control Now Ltd, is a provider of Transaction Reporting software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information or any other information published by Control Now Ltd. Recipients of this information must perform their own due diligence to confirm the information is accurate and relevant for their business scenario. Control Now Ltd reserves its right to re-publish the information.