Ref | Product | Change | Affected feature | Client description | Issue key |
1 | Accuracy: EMIR | New Validation | E186 - Intragroup (2.38) is left blank | We have added a new EMIR validation, verifying if field "Intragroup" (2.38) is populated for trades executed on a regulated market or third-country market equivalent to a regulated market. | DEV-3399 |
2 | Accuracy: EMIR | New Validation | E187 - Underlying identification type (2.7) populated with AII after MiFIR go live | We have added a new validation verifying if AII code has been used as Underlying. | DEV-3203 |
3 | Accuracy: EMIR | Fix: Validation | E180 - Intragroup (2.38) populated where not required | We have amended our logic for identifying the 'Equivalent markets' for EMIR to prevent validation E180 from false flagging for venue of execution 'XXXX'. | DEV-3400 |
4 | Accuracy: EMIR | Fix: Validation | E121 - Underlying identification (2.8) (Index) - FIRDs Mismatch | We have amended logic for validation E121 to avoid false flagging for records where Instrument Identification code’ and ‘Underlying Instrument Coe Index’ were populated with the same value. | DEV-3376 |
5 | Accuracy: EMIR | Fix: Validation | E172 - Market trade missing for principal execution for portfolio manager | We have resolved the issue with validation not flagging when client side of portfolio manager trade is missing from the file. | DEV-3320 |
6 | Accuracy: EMIR | Fix: Validation | E58 - Collateral Portfolio code(1.23) reported with different currency codes, E59 - Multiple Collateral portfolio codes (1.23) used for a relationship with a single reporting firm | Fixed an issue with 2 collateral specific validations flagging, where record was not related to collateral update. | DEV-3199 |
7 | Accuracy: EMIR | Delete: Validation | E27 - Underlying identification type (2.7) mismatch | We have deleted validation E27 and replaced it with validation E187 "Underlying identification type (2.7) populated with AII after MiFIR go live". | DEV-3205 |
8 | Accuracy: MiFIR | Ingestion | XML, Cappitech, Unavista, NRR input formats | We have corrected a typo in the 'id type' fields (NIND used instead of NIDN). | DEV-3272 |
9 | Accuracy: MiFIR | New Validation | M279 - Price (33) for equity expressed as basis points | We have added a new MiFIR validation, verifying if field "Price" (33) is expressed as basis points for equity products. | DEV-3397 |
10 | Accuracy: MiFIR | New Validation | M278 - Underlying instrument code (47) not populated with ISIN of risk-free rate | We have added a new validation, verifying if the risk-free rates were identified with correct ISINs in transaction reports. | DEV-3256 |
11 | Accuracy: MiFIR | Fix: Validation | M106c - Underlying (47/48) not identified - overreporting ("Instrument identification code" (41) listings are outside of trading dates) | We have amended an issue with validation underflagging when instrument does not have an underlying or where there are no active listings on trading venues. | DEV-3375 |
12 | Accuracy: MiFIR | Fix: MI | MiFIR MI: Decision Makers | We have introduced further improvements to Decision Maker MI filtering to show only cases where a Natural Person was involved. Transactions where ALGOs are used are presented in a different MI. | DEV-3410 |