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23rd August 2024

TR Accuracy Product Release – 27/08/2024


TR Accuracy

  • All Regimes – New configuration features for TRAC Scheduler;

  • EMIR REFIT – 2 changes to Reverse Normalisation for REFIT EU and 1 new Reverse Normalisation for REFIT UK;

  • MiFIR – 1 change to ingestion module, 1 change to reports, 1 new anonymisation feature

Users are recommended to restart TRAC desktop tool after the release.

RefProductChangeAffected featureClient descriptionIssue key
1Accuracy: MiFIR, MiFIR CorePortal Configuration / New featureSensitive data anonymisationWe have introduced a new report setting within the TRAC Portal, enabling users to hide fields that may hold sensitive data (primarily natural person data - NP) in the generated "Details reports".DEV-3654
2Accuracy: MiFIR Core, Refit CorePortal ConfigurationStatistics & Benchmarking ReportsWe have enabled the Core modules to be visible in Statistics and Benchmarking reports on TRAC Portal.DEV-3635
3Accuracy: MiFIRIngestionTRAX / Cappitech NPD enrichmentWe have fixed an issue with buyer/seller country of the branch not being populated for TRAX/Cappitech formats using NPD enrichment service.DEV-3718
4Accuracy: EMIR Refit UKReverse NormalisationCappitechWe have enabled a standalone Reverse Normalisation subscription for transforming UK REFIT reports in CN format into Cappitech submission format.DEV-3673
5Accuracy: EMIR RefitReverse NormalisationMAP FintechWe have fixed an issue with REFIT Reverse normalisation for MAP Fintech format (PTRR field).DEV-3720
6Accuracy: EMIR RefitReverse NormalisationISO 20022 XMLSome minor corrections made to the REFIT Reverse Normalisation subscription. Updated handling positive/negative monetary values, updated UTI and Prior UTI population, updated repeatable logic for Delivery Point or Zone.DEV-3690
7Accuracy: AllPortal ConfigurationTRAC SchedulerWe have intoduced a new functionality that allows clients to rename output files while using scheduler.DEV-3415

Please let us know if you have any questions:

Control Now can help you seamlessly manage such changes as amendments and modifications are automatically integrated into our software.

For more details, including a demo of our products, please contact:

Control Now Ltd, is a provider of Transaction Reporting software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information or any other information published by Control Now Ltd. Recipients of this information must perform their own due diligence to confirm the information is accurate and relevant for their business scenario. Control Now Ltd reserves its right to re-publish the information.